Randy W. Ferguson
Ferguson & Ferguson
Attorneys at Law
Have you or a loved one been seriously injured or killed in a train accident in Alabama? The Federal Railroad Administration reports there are approximately 3,000 train accidents in the United States every year. The most common injuries in these accidents include brain injuries, spine injuries, quadriplegia, paraplegia, and death. The accidents include truck/train accidents, train/car accidents, derailments, and pedestrian/train accidents. Approximately 1000 train accidents per year are fatal. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reports about 60% of all railroad crossing accidents that result in deaths occur at unprotected railroad crossings. Regardless of the cause, railroad accidents are typically catastrophic, often resulting in severe injury or death for the victims. If you have been injured or had a family member killed in a train accident, you need an experienced train accident attorney. We are here to help. Call 256-534-3435 for a free consultation with an experienced train accident attorney today.
Monetary Compensation for a Serious Train Accident Injury or Tragic Death
If you suffered a serious injury or your loved one was tragically killed in a train accident, you may be able to file a lawsuit to collect monetary compensation for the damages associated with your injury or loss, including:
- Medical bills
- Lost earnings and wages
- Impaired earning capacity
- Life care costs
- Occupational rehabilitation
- Permanent Disfigurement
- Loss of consortium/li>
- Pain and suffering
- Punitive damages in wrongful death cases.
Railroad Accident Statistics
There are over 600 railroads and hundreds of thousands of miles of track crossing this the country, but unfortunately the increase in train travel has also lead to increased accidents. And traveling on them are 10,000-ton trains hauling hundreds of thousands of gallons of hazardous chemicals, oil and coal. National statistics show that every two hours there is a train accident that involves property damage, injury and even death. Every 90 minutes there is a train collision or derailment in the United States. A car-train accident or a person-train accident occurs about every 100 minutes in the United States. According to the NSC, each year an estimated 5,000 train-vehicle collisions take place at railroad crossings leading to over 500 fatalities and more than 2,300 injuries. A train carrying hazardous material goes off the tracks approximately every 2 weeks in the United States. Railroads are essentially self-regulated and do come under the close scrutiny of the federal government. Rail companies continue to rely on technology that was developed over 70 years ago and very little effort has been made to update safety measures. Local jurisdictions often have no control over the train travel in their areas. Half of all train crossing accidents in take place where automatic warning devices such as flashing lights or flashing lights with gates are present and are functioning properly. Many people simple neglect to stop and wait until the flashing lights are no longer in warning mode.
Causes of Railroad Accidents
There are many situations which lead train accidents. Train crashes happen when cars and trucks stall or are left purposely on railroad tracks. Train accidents occur when their locomotive operators are negligent, get distracted by cell phones, or when equipment problems occur. Other train crashes are caused by confusing signals at road crossing over rail lines. Train accidents come in different form including, train accidents with passenger vehicles, collisions with other trains or other public transportation vehicles, train derailments, and railroad crossing crashes. The size and force of oncoming trains make an accident in which a person is involved almost always a tragedy, leading to serious bodily injuries and in many instances death. Pedestrian train crossing accidents result in numerous deaths and catastrophic injuries in Alabama.
What Can We Do To Help?
If you or a loved one have been involved in a train wreck or railroad accident you need a skilled train accident lawyer. We are here to help. We do not represent railroads or railroad employees. To Contact our Train Wreck Lawyers call (800) 752-1998. Our attorneys will keep on the offensive until they make sure you have been fully compensated for your injuries. We will go to trial and take on the largest corporations and their insurance carriers’ to protect your rights. We will take care of every legal detail and make sure you achieve the highest compensation possible for your loss. Remember that it is crucial to act quickly after you have been injured to report any railroad accident claim before any limitations can lower or extinguish your rightful claim. Call us for a no obligation free consultation regarding your railroad accident case. Call now. Call 256-534-3435. We are here to help.
Huntsville Office Location:
303 Williams Avenue Southwest
Suite 321
Huntsville, AL 35801
Decatur Office Location:
211 Oak Street Northeast
Decatur, AL 35601
Our railroad and locomotive accident attorneys serve every city and town in the State of Alabama.